Life Update
Monday, October 23, 2017
Dallas, TX, USA
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Okay, yes, I know it’s been awhile.
I won’t write all the excuses as to why I haven’t posted lately, but I’ve been really happy to hear people telling me they want to hear more from me. So, I’m baaaaack.
I have some topics in mind that I’ll post about in the upcoming weeks, but for now I just wanted to give you guys a little life update on what I’ve been up to lately.
I turned twenty-three, and that was pretty cool. I got lots of birthday love from my family, friends, and boyfriend. I felt super special this year, it was really wonderful. The problem is that I always forget how old I am. When people ask me my age, I literally have to think about it. Please tell me that I’m not the only one this happens to.
I got promoted, and that was really cool. I came into my job as an Account Service Apprentice, which was kind of like a fancy internship with a hopeful job at the end of it. I’ve been working hard and learning a lot. Sooner than I expected, I got promoted to Project Manager! This next paragraph is pretty much going to sound like something you read on LinkedIn but if you want to know what I’m doing...
I’m kind of like an air traffic controller -- but instead of directing planes at an airport, I’m directing jobs at an agency. I plan, manage, and execute client projects from beginning to end. So -- a client hires us for a job. I look at the client’s goals and the big picture of what they’re trying to accomplish, then transition that into a detailed plan that can be tasked out to our production artists (designers, copywriters, developers, etc). The most important part of my job is to know the status of all the different projects we have going on, keep them organized and moving along, and make sure nothing gets lost or forgotten about. Making clients happy makes me happy.
Almost everything we do at our agency involves a lot of collaboration. So, 1) not everything listed above is on my plate for every job, and sometimes different people do different things 2) major props to all of my coworkers because they’re awesome people that I enjoy working with. I came in as a fresh college grad with just a little bit of agency experience, and they have taught me so much!
Side note: I’m going to write more about why I love working in advertising, specifically at a small agency, later -- but if you are considering taking this path and have any questions for me please don’t hesitate to reach out!
I found a yoga studio I love, and that was much needed. Having a yoga home is so important to me, and it was exhausting to try out a different studio week after week, usually not happy with the experience. WeYogis Uptown is my new zen spot. I totally suggest it. Namaste.
I went to ACL and had an amazing time. The Red Hot Chili Peppers brought tears to my eyes. I also discovered I am not fit for raves.
TCU football is undefeated, and y’all knew I had to mention that.
Other than that, it’s just been normal day-to-day stuff. I’m starting to feel more and more at home in Dallas. I’ve established kind of a sense of normalcy, which I enjoy. The past few months have been really fun and happy. :)
That’s all for now. Please comment with your thoughts and let me know what you want me to write about next!